All you need to know on Live Objects
and IoT Orange Business

Latest posts

Product news

How to connect and manage your Sigfox devices in Live Objects

You have deployed or you plan to deploy some Sigfox devices and you need to manage them in an IoT platform? You manage your Lora or cellular devices fleet on Live Objects and you want to enrich it by some Sigfox devices? Here is the solution for you!

Product news

New release of Live Objects 2.19

Explore your fleet of devices, decode objects sending batches of measurements, follow the success rate of upward messages, create installation reports with Live Objects Sensor...


Eurotech simplifies IoT adoption combining its IoT Edge technology with Orange IoT platform (repost)

Eurotech’s IoT Edge capabilities will be coupled with Orange’s IoT platform to enable end-to-end IoT device and data management for industrial automation, smart transportation, energy management and other use cases

Product news

New release of Live Objects 2.17

Get the quality of the LoRa network to better monitor you devices, Sigfox® open source connector available

Tips for developers

Receive an email when your LoRa extension gateway is off

You can put in place your own LoRa gateways to improve your local network coverage and manage it with your Live Objects portal.
Now as this equipment becomes crucial for your devices to communicate you want to be notified in real time if this gateway goes Offline.

Tips for developers

Common issues 5/5: Understand indexing issues

Before being stored, data collected by Live Objects are indexed. It is a key feature because it is what allow to search data, make aggregations and statistics. See how to solve indexation issues.

Tips for developers

Common issues 4/5: choose the location method for LoRa devices

How to the use the location computed by my device instead of those computed by the LoRa network ?

Tips for developers

Common issues 3/5: how to connect my Microsoft Azure Cloud to Live Objects

You want to link Azure with Live Objects, it is easy, see how

Product news

New release of Live Objects 2.15

New widgets to manage your fleet, an equivalent functional level whatever the connectivity, detect missing LoRa frames, better LoRa monitoring ...

Tips for developers

Common issues 2/5: how to troubleshoot LoRa connectivity problems?

Connectivity issues may have plenty of causes and could be tricky to troubleshoot. Typically it can comes from a problem of network coverage, a problem of local environment or a problem of device implementation. Fortunately Live Objects provides useful tools to investigate such problems

Tips for developers

Live Objects: Advanced functions in video

Watch video to understand advanced functionalities : Node-RED, external connectors
(some videos in French & some in English)

Product news

Free Live Objects account to test LoRa® and Cellular connectivities

You are interested by building an IoT project but you want to start by a Proof of Concept first? You search for an IoT platform that allows you to test your devices with LoRa® and Cellular networks for free? We have the solution for you!

Tips for developers

Common issues 1/5: get the real timestamp when data collect is asynchronous

Your data loggers send data they collect every hour once a day. You want this data to be stored in Live Objects and time stamped as if it had been transmitted in real time. Learn how to do

Tips for developers

Product Evolution: list of deprecated features

To propose the best to our customers, your IoT platform Live Objects is updated frequently. As a matter of fact, some legacy features can't be supported anymore. This page aims to summarize all the information regarding deprecated features.

Tips for developers

Live Objects: Basics in video

Watch videos to understand basic functionalities : Android App, SDK, Device management...
(some videos in French & some in English)

Try Live Objects for free

Get a free account limited up to 10 devices and do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project.

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