Tips for developers

Efficient IoT Communication: MQTT vs. LwM2M Protocols

Comparing the Energy Efficiency and Device Management Capabilities of MQTT and LWM2M in IoT Implementations

Product news

Orange Node-RED: a new Live Objects Saas service

A simple and costless turnkey solution to quickly build front and backend IoT services.

Product news

Boosting Your IoT Project with LwM2M Bootstrap: The Secret Sauce to Effortless IoT Deployment

LwM2M is a standard protocol from the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). Bootstrap allows to (re-)initialize remotely connection settings and secrets of a connected device to an IoT platform, avoiding manual configuration costs and allowing (frequent) secrets renewal

Tips for developers

Everything you always wanted to know about Live Objects (but were afraid to ask)

Because we love you, we give you our complete training guide to download.

Product news

Device management with LwM2M live!

You want to use IoT cellular devices for your projects? It is not so easy, several network technologies, several protocols, several IoT or cloud platforms... What a mess! How new LwM2M protocol would help?

Tips for developers

Cloud Connector Service: a seamless integration with your Cloud provider

Need to route and translate your IoT Business Data towards your Cloud provider? Live Objects Cloud Connectors allows you to easily translate your IoT Business Data towards your Cloud provider (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud)

Tips for developers

Product Evolution: LoRa Downlink V1 API retirement last announcement

The Version V1 of the API LoRa Downlink has been deprecated since 30/06/2019 and is replaced by the API Device Management - Commands.
The API LoRa Downlink version V1 will be removed on 31/07/2022.

Tips for developers

Product Evolution: Device Management LoRa V0 API retirement last announcement

Live Objects evolves frequently. Some legacy APIs have been replaced by new ones in 2018 and won't be supported anymore. Today we kindly remind you that the V0 of the Device Management LoRa will soon be retired.

Tips for developers

Product Evolution: Triggers and Action V0 API retirement last announcement

The Version V0 of the API Triggers and Action has been been marked as deprecated since 30/06/2019 and replaced by a new version (version V1).
This API Triggers and Action version V0 will be removed on 31/07/2022.

Tips for developers

Product Evolution: Device Management V0 APIs retirement last announcement

Live Objects evolves frequently. Some legacy APIs have been replaced by new ones in 2020 and won't be supported anymore. Today we kindly remind you that the V0 of the following APIs Device Management are will soon be retired.

Product news

September 2021 release of Live Objects

Configure a static location of your devices and follow status and alarms of your device on a map. Be warned of new error logs. Use a new MQTT endpoint to send data to Live Objects for long term security

Product news

New release of Live Objects 2.17

Get the quality of the LoRa network to better monitor you devices, Sigfox® open source connector available

Tips for developers

Receive an email when your LoRa extension gateway is off

You can put in place your own LoRa gateways to improve your local network coverage and manage it with your Live Objects portal.
Now as this equipment becomes crucial for your devices to communicate you want to be notified in real time if this gateway goes Offline.

Tips for developers

Common issues 5/5: Understand indexing issues

Before being stored, data collected by Live Objects are indexed. It is a key feature because it is what allow to search data, make aggregations and statistics. See how to solve indexation issues.

Tips for developers

Common issues 4/5: choose the location method for LoRa devices

How to the use the location computed by my device instead of those computed by the LoRa network ?

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