Tips for developers

Efficient IoT Communication: MQTT vs. LwM2M Protocols

Comparing the Energy Efficiency and Device Management Capabilities of MQTT and LWM2M in IoT Implementations

Tips for developers

Ease your diagnostics with information from your Orange SIM cards

If you use Orange M2M cards in your cellular objects, you can aggregate and visualize the connectivity information directly in Live Objects.
Of course you don't need to use Orange M2M cards to use Live Objects, but then you won't have this feature ;-)

Product news

Execute IoT commands or operations from your smartphone

Need to deploy IoT devices on field? Need to easily manager your IoT fleet using your smartphone? Need to execute commands or operations to your devices?

Product news

Device management with LwM2M live!

You want to use IoT cellular devices for your projects? It is not so easy, several network technologies, several protocols, several IoT or cloud platforms... What a mess! How new LwM2M protocol would help?

Tips for developers

LwM2M to simplify IoT integration and lower costs

Not just another IoT protocol! You have already heard about CoAP, MQTT, TCP, UDP... Why a new protocol? In fact, the current ones are not all at the expected level.

Tips for developers

Device management at 360°

Discover how to use command, configuration changes, Firmware updates, campaign manager in order to manage your IoT fleet at distance. You can manage SMS, MQTT and LoRaWAN devices using Live Objects. Watch the video on Youtube and hands on ! Resources available on Github. Go directly on the part you are interested in : 0:22 […]

Tips for developers

Live Objects: Basics in video

Watch videos to understand basic functionalities : Android App, SDK, Device management...
(some videos in French & some in English)

Product news

New release 2.12 of Live Objects

New stuff on Device and Data management, monitor your private LoRa gateway traffic, a bunch of connectors to extend your IoT ecosystem with Live Objects, and new SDKs!

Product news

New releases 2.10 & 2.11 of Live Objects

Custom pipelines to enrich and transform your payloads, LoRa evolution, new device management events, geolocation by cell-ID

Product news

New release 2.9

Proud to announce you the birth of “Live Objects sensor” our Android application! Also 3 new widgets available, improvement of campaigns, a better way to secure SSL connections...

Product news

New 2.8 release of Live Objects

Sending your data to a third-party cloud, more detailed command orders, campaign scheduler, monitoring changes of your objects status...

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