Explore the Possibilities:
Live Objects & Orange Business IoT Solutions

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Tips for developers

Live Objects: Basics in video

Watch videos to understand basic functionalities : Android App, SDK, Device management...
(some videos in French & some in English)

Tips for developers

Prototyping faster and easier with Live Booster Sequans LTE-M

To speed your development, employ the evaluation kit for the Monarch GMS01Q built in collaboration with STMicroelectronics. It is an expansion board providing cellular LTE Cat M1 connectivity to any STM32 Discovery kit or STEVAL-STWIN IoT development kit. The kit provides a turnkey solution for connecting the board Orange Live Objects and also to other cloud servers, thanks to a dedicated and optimized library

Tips for developers

Tutorial – Live Objects Pipelines+Orange Node-RED SaaS: transform & enrich your Business data

Want to enrich your IoT data with external data or transform it before injection in Live Objects ? It's the big easy and codeless! You can use the Orange Node-RED service and the Live Objects Pipelibes. Learn how with our tutorial.

Product news

New release 2.14 of Live Objects

Configure and manage multi-protocol devices, cancel a LoRa command already sent to the network, route LoRa networks event in the web portal

Product news

Connect your Live Objects devices’ data to your Microsoft Azure environment

You have built your information system on Microsoft Azure cloud and your teams are so happy with it. Now, you want to enhace your business value. You are going to enrich your Azure business solutions with IoT business data coming from the Orange Live Objects platform. In order to ease your life, we have developed the Live Objects - Azure IoT Hub connector!

Product news

New release 2.13 of Live Objects

Configure easily your data routing to Azure Event Hub, see & monitor the activity of your account, use decoders on MQTT devices and some evolutions on Live Objects sensor.

Product news

New release 2.12 of Live Objects

New stuff on Device and Data management, monitor your private LoRa gateway traffic, a bunch of connectors to extend your IoT ecosystem with Live Objects, and new SDKs!

Product news

How to transfer my IoT data from Live Objects to my Amazon environment

You adopted AWS for your business applications and you want to recover your IoT data from your Orange IoT platform Live Objects in the same AWS environment? we have a simple solution for you!

Tips for developers

Follow and analyze your IoT data with Splunk

Get and use Splunk to understand and value your Live Objects IoT data (free version available!)

Product news

Fast IoT Application development with Kheiron & Live Objects

IoThink Kheiron solution is now integrated with Live Objects.
Kheiron + Live Objects offer a powerful 0-code Application Enablement solution relying on an Orange secured multi-connectivity and device management platform.

Product news

Combine the strength of Kerlink Lora private network with the richness of Live Objects

You chose Kerlink to deploy your LoRa private network and you need to integrate it with your Live Objects tenant, here is the solution for you!


Sensing Labs

Smart wireless sensor design & data collection specialist Sensing Labs, a company based in Montpellier, provides wireless LoRaWAN sensor solutions for B2B markets that are driven by energy saving and cost needs. They mainly target 2 markets:                • Smart Metering (gas, water, electricity)                • Smart Building (Energy efficiency in the building)   […]

Product news

Now you must use TLS 1.2 or higher

Helping you to ensure end to end security of your IoT services is our main concern, we do not accept non TLS connection anymore

Product news

New releases 2.10 & 2.11 of Live Objects

Custom pipelines to enrich and transform your payloads, LoRa evolution, new device management events, geolocation by cell-ID

Product news, Tips for developers

Enrich, transform or decode your data before storage

The Data Messages sent to Live Objects can be enriched or transformed before storage by the Custom Pipelines service.

You can create your own pipeline to perform one or several enrichment steps on specific Data Messages.

Try Live Objects for free

Get a free account limited up to 10 devices and do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project.

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