How to use Node-RED option to connect your data flows to Live Objects

As you might know, Live Objects propose a node-RED option that enables you to access to a Node-RED tenant in a SaaS mode. This service allows you to build codeless data treatments, without caring of instantiating, hosting, neither fully monitoring it.

Device management at 360°

Discover how to use command, configuration changes, Firmware updates, campaign manager in order to manage your IoT fleet at distance. You can manage SMS, MQTT and LoRaWAN devices using Live Objects. Watch the video on Youtube and hands on ! Resources available on Github. Go directly on the part you are interested in : 0:22 […]

Get started quickly with LoRa®

Learn how to connect a LoRaWAN device, decoding its data and display it in Live Objects

Receive an email when your LoRa extension gateway is off

You can put in place your own LoRa gateways to improve your local network coverage and manage it with your Live Objects portal.
Now as this equipment becomes crucial for your devices to communicate you want to be notified in real time if this gateway goes Offline.

Common issues 5/5: Understand indexing issues

Before being stored, data collected by Live Objects are indexed. It is a key feature because it is what allow to search data, make aggregations and statistics. See how to solve indexation issues.

Common issues 4/5: choose the location method for LoRa devices

How to the use the location computed by my device instead of those computed by the LoRa network ?

Common issues 3/5: how to connect my Microsoft Azure Cloud to Live Objects

You want to link Azure with Live Objects, it is easy, see how

Common issues 2/5: how to troubleshoot LoRa connectivity problems?

Connectivity issues may have plenty of causes and could be tricky to troubleshoot. Typically it can comes from a problem of network coverage, a problem of local environment or a problem of device implementation. Fortunately Live Objects provides useful tools to investigate such problems

Live Objects: Advanced functions in video

Watch video to understand advanced functionalities : Node-RED, external connectors
(some videos in French & some in English)

Common issues 1/5: get the real timestamp when data collect is asynchronous

Your data loggers send data they collect every hour once a day. You want this data to be stored in Live Objects and time stamped as if it had been transmitted in real time. Learn how to do

Product Evolution: list of deprecated features

To propose the best to our customers, your IoT platform Live Objects is updated frequently. As a matter of fact, some legacy features can't be supported anymore. This page aims to summarize all the information regarding deprecated features.

Live Objects: Basics in video

Watch videos to understand basic functionalities : Android App, SDK, Device management...
(some videos in French & some in English)

Prototyping faster and easier with Live Booster Sequans LTE-M

To speed your development, employ the evaluation kit for the Monarch GMS01Q built in collaboration with STMicroelectronics. It is an expansion board providing cellular LTE Cat M1 connectivity to any STM32 Discovery kit or STEVAL-STWIN IoT development kit. The kit provides a turnkey solution for connecting the board Orange Live Objects and also to other cloud servers, thanks to a dedicated and optimized library

Tutorial – Live Objects Pipelines+Orange Node-RED SaaS: transform & enrich your Business data

Want to enrich your IoT data with external data or transform it before injection in Live Objects ? It's the big easy and codeless! You can use the Orange Node-RED service and the Live Objects Pipelibes. Learn how with our tutorial.

Follow and analyze your IoT data with Splunk

Get and use Splunk to understand and value your Live Objects IoT data (free version available!)

Try Live Objects

Get a LwM2M/MQTT/SMS account limited up to 10 devices. Free accounts do not supply LoRa network access

Do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project.

Create a free M2M discover accountCreate a LoRa® commercial account