Tips for developers

Efficient IoT Communication: MQTT vs. LwM2M Protocols

Comparing the Energy Efficiency and Device Management Capabilities of MQTT and LWM2M in IoT Implementations


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Product news, Tips for developers

The LwM2M features you need to emphasise in your products and services

LwM2M is an IoT protocol standardized by OMA. Using a LwM2M client on your devices supply you with really advanced functionalities.

Product news

Boosting Your IoT Project with LwM2M Bootstrap: The Secret Sauce to Effortless IoT Deployment

LwM2M is a standard protocol from the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). Bootstrap allows to (re-)initialize remotely connection settings and secrets of a connected device to an IoT platform, avoiding manual configuration costs and allowing (frequent) secrets renewal

Product news

Execute IoT commands or operations from your smartphone

Need to deploy IoT devices on field? Need to easily manager your IoT fleet using your smartphone? Need to execute commands or operations to your devices?

Product news

Device management with LwM2M live!

You want to use IoT cellular devices for your projects? It is not so easy, several network technologies, several protocols, several IoT or cloud platforms... What a mess! How new LwM2M protocol would help?

Tips for developers

LwM2M to simplify IoT integration and lower costs

Not just another IoT protocol! You have already heard about CoAP, MQTT, TCP, UDP... Why a new protocol? In fact, the current ones are not all at the expected level.

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