Product news

New releases 2.10 & 2.11 of Live Objects

Custom pipelines to enrich and transform your payloads, LoRa evolution, new device management events, geolocation by cell-ID

Product news, Tips for developers

Enrich, transform or decode your data before storage

The Data Messages sent to Live Objects can be enriched or transformed before storage by the Custom Pipelines service.

You can create your own pipeline to perform one or several enrichment steps on specific Data Messages.

Tips for developers

Prototype on LTE-M in 30 minutes with Live Objects & Arduino

We provide open-source code samples to help you prototype on LTE-M in 30 minutes with Live Objects and Arduino

Tips for developers

How to connect your devices to Live Objects if you cannot adapt your firmware

You want to use some device with Live Objects, but you cannot adapt their firmware or their protocol is not natively understood by Live Objects? The external connector is made for you. You will be able to collect data and do device management of those devices through a connector.

Product news

New release 2.9

Proud to announce you the birth of “Live Objects sensor” our Android application! Also 3 new widgets available, improvement of campaigns, a better way to secure SSL connections...

Product news

New 2.8 release of Live Objects

Sending your data to a third-party cloud, more detailed command orders, campaign scheduler, monitoring changes of your objects status...

Product news

New release 2.7

Abnormal silent device dectection, autorefresh widgets, activity logs

Product news

New release 2.6 of Live Objects

Two new widgets for your custom dashboards, the new MQTT mode to send data to Live Objects, when to use MQTT with and without TLS for improved security… Discover what’s new!

Product news

New release 2.5 of Live Objects

Follow your log console and manage your own sub tenants
Discover what’s new!

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