Product news

September 2021 release of Live Objects

Configure a static location of your devices and follow status and alarms of your device on a map. Be warned of new error logs. Use a new MQTT endpoint to send data to Live Objects for long term security

Tips for developers

Common issues 2/5: how to troubleshoot LoRa connectivity problems?

Connectivity issues may have plenty of causes and could be tricky to troubleshoot. Typically it can comes from a problem of network coverage, a problem of local environment or a problem of device implementation. Fortunately Live Objects provides useful tools to investigate such problems

Product news

New release 2.7

Abnormal silent device dectection, autorefresh widgets, activity logs

Product news

New release 2.5 of Live Objects

Follow your log console and manage your own sub tenants
Discover what’s new!

Try Live Objects

Get a LwM2M/MQTT/SMS account limited up to 10 devices. Free accounts do not supply LoRa network access

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