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How to transfer my IoT data from Live Objects to my Amazon environment

You adopted AWS for your business applications and you want to recover your IoT data from your Orange IoT platform Live Objects in the same AWS environment? we have a simple solution for you!


Open source connector…

We created an open sources Amazon Web Services (AWS) SQS connector to facilitate your end-to-end IoT projects implementation. This connector allows you to combine the strengths of Live Objects in device and data management, with the power of AWS development and data analytics tools.

…ready to use to route to AWS SQS

First of all, the connector subscribes to selected Live Objects MQTT queue, then reads all events and data, and at the end publishes them on your AWS SQS queue. As a result, you can access to your IoT data from your AWS environment. This connector use Java langage and you can host it on any cloud environment.

Download now!

So, don’t wait to download your AWS SQS connector here & link your Live Objects data to AWS : https://github.com/DatavenueLiveObjects/Pushing-data-to-AWS-Simple-Queue-Service-SQS

Or contact us to manage it

Otherwhise, if you want us to instantiate and monitor the connector for you, don’t hesitate to contact us at : liveobjects.vendor@orange.com

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Get a LwM2M/MQTT/SMS account limited up to 10 devices. Free accounts do not supply LoRa network access

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