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Free Live Objects account to test LoRa® and Cellular connectivities

You are interested by building an IoT project but you want to start by a Proof of Concept first? You search for an IoT platform that allows you to test your devices with LoRa® and Cellular networks for free? We have the solution for you!


Live Objects, the Orange IoT platform, is now offering a free account with LoRa® and cellular accesses. So you can build your first Proof of Concept. You can also test your devices using Orange LoRa® and Cellular (LTE-M, 4G) connectivities.

To take advantage from this new free offer, all what you have to do is to connect to Live Objects portal here for signing up.

Please make sure that you check the right box(es) of the connectivity(ies) that you want to use.

Finally, do not hesitate to test our Mobile application : Live Objects sensor!

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Get a LwM2M/MQTT/SMS account limited up to 10 devices. Free accounts do not supply LoRa network access

Do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project.

Create a free M2M discover accountCreate a LoRa® commercial account